Million Pound Horse

Apr 24, 2018

I once heard a story about a million pound race horse, that won lots of races during his career and was worth millions for breeding. The horse had a trainer, a masseuse, a veterinarian, a groom and a nutritionalist. The horse had an exercise routine, a meal plan, underwent regular health checks and rest periods. It had a performance body.

An entrepreneur, a career professional or a business owner who earns £40k per year in 25 years, would earn £1 million pounds. Yet as a million pound body owner, we find it's acceptable and okay to stay up late, lazing around watching TV, eating junk fast-food, drinking lots of alcohol and caffeine to ‘cope’ with the everyday life.

Your body is a £1 million pound asset but do you treat it as such?

Are you the neglected race horse?

Changing your health and well-being habits for the better can have a massive impact on your life. Making one change of being more active, has the benefit of improved mood, an energy boost and helps cognitive function.

We’d be thrilled if we could get this improvement in our staff and team, would we not?

The human body has an amazing power to heal itself given the right ‘tools’ (nutrition). Good nutrition supports optimal energy production.

So why do we not look for more health benefits in our lives?

Are you confused by what is good nutrition? 

We know it’s a minefield for you to understand what is good nutrition for your body.

We also know that it is confusing when the latest fad diet takes the media by storm.

We recognise that you don’t know the science of good nutrition.

And, we know you don’t have a lot of time…

We all want to be the best we can with the resources and time we have.

If you are a career professional or running your own business, you will know the importance of having your health support your income and decisions.

High performance is a series of small habits that achieve your goals and outcomes. If you could gradually improve your health, your energy, your cognitive function and memory – do you think you could earn more or improve the performance of your business?

We have created an online membership programme to give you all the support you need to achieve your health goals.

Be careful about what races you enter, and think about whether you are achieving optimal health? 

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